Other Prayers


    My Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, treasure of mercy and spring of salvation, I come to You confessing my sins. I confess that, insolently, I dared to defile Your Holy Sanctuary with my sins. Now I seek Your mercy and love, for Your mercies are boundless; You never turn back a sinner who comes back to You. I confess that my mind is burdened with sin and that I have no strength left. Do not turn away from me, do not rebuke me in Your anger nor chasten me in Your hot displeasure. I am worn out, have compassion upon me, O’ Lord do not judge me in Your justice, but according to Your mercy. Remember Your creation, do not put me on trial, because non of Your servants can justify his deeds. Dress me in a new attire that befits Your glory. Forgive my sins and I shall sing; “Blessed is he whose sins are forgiven.” When I confess my sins, and reveal my iniquities, You cleanse them. Amen.


    O Holy Father who awaits the return of sinners, You gave Your promise that You are ready to accept those who repent. Look now to a soul that was lost in the valleys of disobedience. For a long time I have tasted the bitterness of misery, being away from the stream of salvation. Now I come back to You to be purified, accept and not reject me, for when you look at me with mercy and compassion, I will be cleansed and saved. If you turn away, I shall perish. Grant me O Lord, Your blessing to strengthen my will to come closer to You in faith and hope, to confess my sins and detest returning to them. May Your Holy Spirit remind me not to stray. May You enlighten my heart so I can see the graveness of my sins and negligence and have the will to obey Your commandments and live for the Glory of Your Holy Name. Amen.


    O’ Father, I am grateful for Your goodness, and love for mankind. You did not wish that I perish, but awakened me from my sleep and guided me to Your path. You saved me from the valley of death to the protection of Your strong fortress. Fill me with hope and faith, I come to You like the sick wishing to be healed, like the hungry seeking to be filled, like the thirsty to the springs of living water, like the poor to the source of riches and the sinner to the redeemer, and like the dying to the origin of life. You are my salvation, my health, my life and my strength. With You, I find consolation, happiness and comfort. Help me, protect me and surround me with Your goodness. Teach me to put my will in Your hands and live according to Your will. Remove my weakness so I may be firm and honest to You to the end. Amen.


    Lord, I am not worthy to have You come under my roof because I am a sinner, but only say the word; “Your sins are forgiven” and my soul will be healed. I am barren and empty of any goodness, I have nothing but Your compassion, mercy and love to mankind. You descended from your Heavenly Glory to our humility and consented to be born in a Manger. O’ Holy Saviour, do not reject my humble and miserable soul which is waiting for Your Glorified coming. As You did not refuse to enter the leper’s house to heal him, please Lord, come into my soul to cleanse it. As You did not stop the adulteress from kissing Your feet, please do not prevent me from coming near You to receive Your Holy Body and Your Sacred Blood. May this Holy Communion banish every corruption and mortify all my evil desires. Help me to obey Your commandments and heal my soul and my body from every sin. May Your spirit dwell with in me and make me united with You so I may live for the Glory of Your Name. Amen.


    My tongue praises and my soul glorifies the Lord. My heart rejoices for You have come to me, Lord, and dressed me in purity and allowed me to Your feast. May my union with You today be everlasting, through it I grow in strength of faith and hope. Let my communion be a symbol of the grace of Your salvation, let it be a purification to my body and my soul and preparation for the everlasting love and joy. To You Lord, I surrender myself and my will, call to You my senses and bless them and let my mind to be according to Your will. Enlighten my heart, awaken my conscience, cast away all shadows of evil, hush the storms, walk with me and guide me. Give me comfort, quench my thirst, look with love at all my short comings, abide with me for the day is coming to an end and stay with me for a new day. You alone are my aim and happiness, now and forever. Amen.


    Blessed are you O’ Lord who supports us from our youth: grants us Your blessings, and provides food for all; for our eyes are focused upon you. You give us our food in due course. You open your hands and fill every living creature. To you is the glory, praise, blessing and thanksgiving for the food that you have prepared for us. Stretch your hand and bless the food set before us for the nourishment of our bodies. Let it be strength and health to our lives. Grant salvation, grace, blessing and purity to all those who partake of it. Lift our minds to you at all times to seek our spiritual and eternal food. Give us to labour for the food which endures to everlasting life. Grant us to be partakers in your heavenly feast. Give us the bread of blessing, the cup of salvation and fill our hearts with joy and gladness. Grant us a quiet peaceful life, a joyful soul and a healthy body. Teach us to seek your acceptance in everything so that if we eat, drink or make anything, we do it for the glory of Your Holy Name. For thine is the glory forever. Amen.


    Lord You are aware that I do not know what is good for me, and now that I am about to start .........., how can I know if it is right unless You guide me with Your grace. O’ Lord, I beseech Your guidance in this matter, do not let me follow my tendencies, lest I will be confused and fall, keep me from slipping, help me, let it be according to Your will. If You see it fit, grant me Your blessing to complete it, if not, remove this desire from my heart. You know all things, nothing is concealed from You. Lord, I am Your servant, deal with me as You see fit as I realise that I will have neither success nor peace unless I submit my self to the grace of Your will, teach me to say in every occasion; “Let it be according to Your will, Lord, not according to mine.” For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and Glory forever more. Amen.