Thanksgiving Australia

What's this service about?

Thanksgiving Australia Inc. exists to care for, empower and relieve the disadvantage of struggling communities by addressing their basic needs for education, medical assistance, prosperity and fundamental human rights.

Our Values include:

  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Respect
  • Selflessness
  • Sustainability

Thanksgiving Australia Development Services seek to provide a set of integrated programs that disadvantaged community need in various locations all around the world. In addition to the educational programs provided for adults and children, we also provide a set of developmental programs to prepare local development.

Volunteers in the various disadvantaged countries to design, execute and monitor renewable programs to serve people in need and the community as whole.

Thanksgiving Australia inc. is affiliated with other reputable global NGO’s who operate in more than 35 missions in Africa & Asia at varying stages of development. Our aim is to have a school, hospital and place of worship in every project based community.

Make a Donation

Our Bank Account Details are:
Bank Name:
Account Name: Thanksgiving Australia
BSB: 012-262
Account Number: 471094795

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