What's this service about?

The Coptic Orthodox Community Outreach Service (INC), also known as COCOS, is a charity under the Coptic Orthodox Church, Diocese of Sydney and Affiliated Regions.

COCOS is primarily aimed at alleviating the conditions that are faced by those who are poverty stricken and homeless. Such ‘alleviation’ is achieved through helping these individuals on a spiritual (spreading the word of Christ), emotional (allowing for a shoulder to cry on), physiological (food, clothing and mobile library) and social level (interaction and socialisation).

In addition to this, COCOS, wishes to create a network of support in all the above areas, in an attempt to encourage the attainment of a life of comfort, quality and wellbeing for all those they serve. In addition to temporary relief, we endeavour to help these individuals back into mainstream life and society through this network of support, compassion and care.

Make a Donation

Our Bank Account Details are:
Bank Name: St George
Account Name: Coptic Orthodox Community Outreach Service
BSB: 112-879
Account Number: 152760826

Contact Us

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